Thursday, February 21, 2008


If there's one thing I would want everyone to know about me is just how much I love music. Okay, maybe that's a generic, much like saying 'everyone likes to smile." But music is a central part of my life, lyrics in particular really move me and can make me a sappy, hopeless romantic or direct me to the Internet to research a verse in a song. Natalie Merchant often quotes many folk songs that I love to look up on the Internet and read more about. One song in particular she sang that got me to think as a kid was the song called What's the Matter Here. Have you heard it? Well it's about child abuse and it's a pretty powerful song that is oddly accompanied by an upbeat backing musical outfit - typical of her former band 10,000 Maniacs. Please, if you haven't heard it then take a few minutes to listen in on a great, timeless song!

On my way to have dinner with a friend tonight I had my iPod on it's usual shuffle. Often times it replays the same old songs time and time again which gets a bit tiring, however tonight it played a song that brought me to tears. Strange because I didn't even know that I had this song on my iPod. What was it doing on there? How did I get it? Did I buy it? I forgot this Angelic song even exsisted, what a great song I let slip from my mind. I know this might sound a bit strange but the lyrics spoke very similarly to some thoughts that have crossed my mind in the past few days and weeks. The song made me vulnerable. After it ended, guess what I did? I sat in my car and listened to it again while waiting for my friend to arrive at the restaurant. Enjoy it below!

Speaking of music Taylor Dayne is on Jimmy Kimmel right now, I gotta see this diva sing! I can't wait to share more music with you tomorrow! Love you all...

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