Sunday, December 21, 2008


Incase you did, now is the most important time to get involved. DId you know that Jerry Brown reversed his decision and is now going against Prop 8 supporters? DId you know that people that support Prop 8 are demanding that the 18,000 gay and lesbian married couples in California should be nullified?

Last night we had a LIGHT UP THE NIGHT on the four corners of Fair Oaks and Colorado Blvd. While it didn't bring in 400 people like our November 15 Protest, we had 30 to 40 determined protesters that carried candles, a hearty spirit and many donned stickers expressing their dismay in the passage of Prop 8, one I believe says "I'm Equal!"

January 10, 2009 is our next BIG event in Pasadena on the steps of City Hall in protest against the D.O.M.A (Google it)! The time and logistics are still TBD but please keep checking the following two sites for more information, both will be updated daily!

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