Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It the state of our economy saving money is definitely a good thing, especially when it comes to entertainment. However isn't it funny that unless you are conscience 24/7 with your money you just end up breaking even, go figure!

Buying the new Morrissey album for $10 is ridiculous, especially when Amazon is selling it for half that, yah I lost $5.

Waiting an extra week for the new Bird and the Bee album to be given to me for free instead of shelling
out $10 was smart! Note: Suzie Orman would be proud, I saved $10!

Opening Joseph's cubby to discover the All American Rejects and Frank Sinatra's Love Songs was a smart movie - I saved at least $25, crazy!

Receiving 37 adult movies in the mail to review within two weeks is even crazier. How much money is that? Well, assuming I'm into all of the movies *wink*

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