Monday, July 28, 2008


Yesterday I attended a Dodger game with the Nationals pitted against our home team. Moses and Robert, his boyfriend (pictured above) invited me and I jumped at the opportunity!

I can't even remember when I last attended a Dodger game and so the thought of Dodger Dogs, Garlic French Fries and hot Latino men all around why wouldn't I accept? Seriously, for a minute, the hottest Latino men do attend the Dodger games on a hot Sunday afternoon - or Saturday afternoon! The men are brown, dark and lovely!!!! I think I had numerous dreams about the men I saw yesterday!

At one point Robert noticed my wondering eyes and said to me "Scotty are you shopping?" I had to admit I was... I'm bad, so bad!!!

The Dodgers ended up winning 2-1 and I went straight to work after, what an amazing day!!!!

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