Thursday, September 27, 2007


Tonight has been a raw mix of emotions!

After leaving work I went to the gym but was tempted to just go home and try to fix my poor iPhone. You see all month long I've been waiting for Apple to allow us iPhone users to download songs from our iPhone onto your iPhone. Today I logged onto one of my favorit sites called and I was excited to see that today was the day I'd been waiting for! Like a lil' school boy I tried to hook my iPhone up to my work computer and download the new softwear onto my iPhone... do you think it worked? Yah, not so much! Instead of it working my phone basically died on me and said it needed to be restored back to factory settings - GREAT! I was panicked to say the least that I was going to lose all my contacts - right before San Francisco!

Long story short, after work I hooked up my iPhone to my computer and THANKFULLY the iPhone saves all your contacts in your computers hard drive so long as you hook your iPhone up to the computer to sync it - which I did!

There is no lesson to learn - well maybe except for don't try to get all crafty with your iPhone unless you know what you're doing! =)

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