Saturday, November 8, 2008


band/artist: LADY GAGA

When I hear an artist that kicks major butt I get so excited - enter Lady GaGa!! Perez HIlton touted her album to be like the next coming of Christ, and he was correct.

I am picking the song "Poker Face" as my PICK O' THE DAY because the song has a different feel than her breakthrough song "Just Dance," and I think an overall better produced song: more dynamic, better thought out, hard-hitting if you will.

I wish I could show the video but YouTube prevents me so I can only let you hear the song. If you need to see the glorious video before you buy the song its available on iTunes for purchase or on YouTube for free viewing. No matter what you do go to iTunes and buy her new album 'The Fame,' you won't regret it... TRUST ME. I really can't say anything else about Lady GaGa except you will be seeing more of this 21 year old diva - doesn't she look like she is in her 30's? Either way she's fierce, and Scott doesn't use the word FIERCE very often *wink*!

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